Frequently asked questions

FAQs for individual products are contained within a tab at the top of the product page, so you can find answers to your product questions. Here are some general questions

Any Questions

  • Phone
  • Email

Processing time usually depends on the type. of service, but mostly you receive your order in 3-7 days

Once the service or product is approved and received, you will have 72 hours to return the product if this is not what you approved.

Colors issues must be made aware when proof of art is sent to you, once printed or made, returns will not be accepted.

Spelling mistakes or errors in the design must be made aware when proof of art is sent to you, once printed or made, returns will not be accepted.

Graphic Designs are not included, most of the time the client already has their design, but don’t worry, if you don’t have any design our design team is here to help you, just give us a call or send us an email with your idea.

In what format should I send my design?

We work in JPG, PNG, PDF, AI, PSD formats (Must have optimal quality for printing) we recommend CMYK-300DPI